by Marilyn Muir, LPMAFA
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The popularized form of astrology found in newspaper and magazine columns as well as on thousands of online websites can be considered introductory material. Since astrology covers all of human and worldly experience as potential subjects, the actuality of astrology is broader and deeper than sun-sign astrology. To initiate an understanding of astrology, there is no better place to begin than with individual human experience, the generalities that are addressed in sun-sign astrology. We can each identify with some part of human experience and can personally identify with certain common traits or experiences.
Once we have a framework for such personal experience, we can apply that understanding to a broader scope of world experience. This is what thousands of astrologers do worldwide every day. Astrologers build their skills through personal experience in reading, then learn to apply those principles to the broader spectrum of experience. For example, we might move from astrology about a person to astrology about a couple of people in a relationship, or a group in a relationship such as a family, a business, or even a rock band. A developing astrologer might focus on a specialty area such as health, business, corporate, stock market, weather or earth movements, world events, cities, states or countries, politics or even karma to name a few possibilities. Basic astrological principles remain the same, but each application requires the development of a new set of descriptions.
My recent personal research project was political stemming from my curiosity about the 2008 election process and the 2009 inauguration of our new president. In order to understand the country itself, I focused on the thirteen primary points of the USA sky map as representative of 1) our country as an entity, as well as 2) the citizenry the country represents. Those thirteen points were the ten bodies, the midheaven, the ascendant and the lunar node. How do you apply regular personal astrology to a country both as a stand-alone entity and as a governing body for a collective of people? It is not difficult to make the transition between personal astrology and other applications of astrology because the principles remain the same; only the words chosen to describe application of those principles change. First of all, what is mundane astrology, because my specific application of political or judicial astrology falls within this broad category?
Mundane astrology is the study of the mundane or down to earth facets of human experience. It has many avenues to explore but can be applied to cities, states, countries, weather, earthquakes and more. Political or judicial astrology would be considered a sub-category of mundane. Planets and houses seem to be the main criteria for determining the reading for mundane application, with signs descriptive of mannerisms and attitudes. Aspects always are the why of any reading adding the planets’ individual natures and qualities as malefic or benefic to the effect. For this article we will focus on the nature of the planets themselves, first as a base principal and then as applied to the workings of a country, its citizens, and its government.
SUN The Sun is the heart and core of our particular solar system and the title “solar” reflects identity. It is the giver of light and heat, and therefore the giver of life to our system. The Sun is the central gravitational force that holds the entire system together or we would be space dust. Again, astrological principles remain the same, only the words change. Because the Sun is self-identity in general, it would represent what that country is at its heart and core, the country’s national identity, the collective identity of the nation and its inhabitants, and how the country sees itself as that collective. This would be the general character of the country itself. It is the pro-active (giver of life) principle of the country. As the central gravitational force, as specific experience, the Sun represents the ability (or lack of it) to be cohesive and “hold it all together.” As the centralizing figure of a country, the Sun represents the head of any city, county, state or country. The title may vary from prime minister, to dictator, to king, to chancellor, or to president, to name a few. Hopefully you can see the transition of words clearly.
MOON My personal principles for the Moon are home, hearth, family, feelings, emotions, memory, reactive, protective, and nurturing. The Moon represents the citizenry itself, expressing as a collective through emotion, security, clan and hearth, the “feelings” of the collective called the country, and the reactive principle of the citizenry. We are creatures of habit singly or as a collective. We respond reactively out of our prior conditioning and experience stored in our collective memory. In general, the Moon governs the nesting, self-protective, womb-like cocooning or need for food, shelter, safety, agriculture, and water sources. It also represents financial stability to the degree that it provides emotional stability collectively. When we are threatened economically, it registers on many levels, not just the dollars and cents of the threat. We become scared and that takes it directly to our emotional, self-protective, fear-based, reactive level.
MERCURY represents the youth of a nation, the function of education and transportation, all forms of communication including the media and the press. This could be all forms of writing, speaking, literature, as early schooling. In its Gemini function, Mercury represents the collection of data. In its Virgo function, Mercury represents discernment and discrimination of such data. Politically, Mercury is also the immediate sense of neighborhood and local issues. Mental collectivity such as speeches, opinion polls, local press and media, citizen drives such as marches, town hall meetings, and grassroots movements are therefore represented by Mercury. At times we are students, at other times we become teachers. First we learn the minutia of our lives, the nuts and bolts, and then we must progress to higher or broader teachings and applications. Mercury rules the base function of the learning process and Jupiter expands and broadens the process. The student will eventually become the worker and the teacher.
VENUS The image of Venus as voluptuous, sensual, luxurious, beautiful, and somewhat greedy stems from her affinity with the signs of Taurus and Libra. In general, Venus in her Taurus expression likes shelter, food, water, creature comforts, luxury if she can get it, stability and comfort in her surroundings. Money and value are good with Taurus. Venus in her Libra expression likes people, relationships, associations, cooperation, and partnerships. Rewording those concepts, Venus represents the collective financial and monetary interests and social values of a country, wealth or lack of it, stability of the society and societal relationships. Venus also loves beauty and art in all its forms; therefore, it rules artists, entertainers, celebrities, fashion, society, and enjoyment of recreational activities. A country’s women in general are represented by Venus.
MARS is the warrior in mankind and at times the lack of warrior-like application. Every front has a back. If you turn the assertion and aggression coin over you will find the opposite functions on the backside of that coin. If war-like is the face, then problems with that face are revealed on the backside. Sometimes Mars is merely divisive and challenging, rather than aggressive. Mars as a planet represents the collective assertion and aggressive drives of a country and also its devisiveness. That would include all categories of policing (including violent crime and weapons), militancy (including armed forces, war or police actions), machinery (including industrial concerns – think of the industrial revolution beginning in the 19th century). Since not all countries are assertive and aggressive, Mars would still be the planet you would consider for countries that choose neutrality or a peaceful means to an end, or to assume a defensive posture rather than an aggressive posture, the backside of its particular coin.
JUPITER In order to physically get to Jupiter, man must take a giant step from Mars over the asteroid belt, which is thought to be the remnants of an exploded planet or possibly leftovers from the formation of the solar system. This is the “leap of faith” mankind must make as it turns its back on its “knowns” of the more personal inner space to reach into the unknowns of outer space, which appears to be colossal and primarily void. Expansion and stretching are Jupiter principles. I mentioned in the Mercury notes that we move from the nuts and bolts of experience to larger and broader concepts of learning. Jupiter has to do with higher learning, philosophy that includes faith, religion, clergy, churches and the search for God, the law in general including attorneys and the courts, promotion and publicity, and expanded cultural relations. Jupiter makes us stretch, expand, reach for more, have more, and give more. It is not difficult to make the word transition to Jupiter in its mundane application. Also, the concept of philanthropy and the “cream of society” or the “upper classes” falls under its influence.
SATURN was the outer limits of the early astrologers; therefore, it represents the limits of society, how far we can go, and where authority or circumstance will not allow us to penetrate. Saturn rules form, contraction and boundaries, real or imagined. It can be the big rock in the middle of anyone’s road. Saturn is organized, traditional, conservative, structured and therefore “rules” those issues in human experience. Politically Saturn rules governments, institutions, bureaucracy, infrastructure, responsibility, systems, controls, governing bodies, and the body of law as control or form. Saturn is orderly, responsible and strict, the “letter” of the law as opposed to the “spirit” of the law. Saturn would represent the tripartite structure of our government, the judicial, the congressional, and the executive branches, each with its rigid format and governing issues. It would govern the responsibility and tradition of a country and its people.
The three outer planets were not part of the mundane or judicial astrology of the ancients. Uranus was discovered in 1781, Neptune in 1846 and Pluto in 1930. The roles each recently discovered body play are a work in progress, with many astrologers following the old seven-planet rulership system and with just as many other astrologers using the newly discovered bodies as well. To use or not to use is a judgment call for any astrologer so you will encounter differing sets of mundane rules as well. If you understand the nature of the three recently discovered bodies, it will not be difficult to make good associations for their activity or rulership for a country.
URANUS was discovered during the American and the French Revolutions, not surprising since Uranus is the rebel in charge of the counter-culture and tends to be quite radical. It represents the element of breakthrough, lightning, earthquakes, explosions and surprises in human experience. It doesn’t like conformity, structure, systems that bind or restrict, tradition, or any rule-bound system. It makes up its own rules as it goes and does not always have a better solution while it is busy exploding the status quo. Uranus does rule large groups of people (humanity as a collective) such as associations or collective governing bodies such as a congress in general. Has anyone noticed that our current USA Congress is anything but cohesive and collective in nature as the maverick energy of Uranus shows up in all sorts of unusual forms and actions? Uranus was a conscious part of the development of the telephone and the connection between cultures. Uranus was prominent at the discovery of air travel and further expanded the connection between cultures. Look back at all the invention and innovation that developed over the 20th Century. What has the innovation of the computer done for us and for developing of our media? Look to Uranus for any innovation, invention, or breakthrough technology that affects us as a collective.
NEPTUNE was discovered in 1846 just prior to the Civil War, a teeming period of hostility and confusion. Along with the discovery of the planet, photography and all that means to our current world came into being. There are actual photographs of President Lincoln who was assassinated in 1865. There was a flowering of psychic phenomena and religion at that time as well. Neptune was named for the mythological god of the sea and is naturally associated with all things oceanic and liquid, such as naval groups, petroleum and other chemicals, drugs, brewing and alcohol, the burgeoning art culture, glamour, theater, fantasy, and fiction to name a few. When positive Neptune is inspirational, tending toward spirituality as opposed to codified religion, imagination, humane activities such as charitable institutions and rescue work. When negative, Neptune leads to confusion, illusion, delusion, scandal, lies, fraud, hidden or covert actions, misapplication or misdirection of words and deeds (if it is not the truth it is a lie). Sound anything like government at the moment?
PLUTO was discovered in 1930 near the depth of the Great Depression in 1932, a desperate time for America and the world in general. This was the time of rampant crime, criminals and the criminal underworld, the development of nuclear power, and the rise of dictators and countries hell-bent on world dominance. Much was driven underground where it has built and festered like a hidden wound on the fabric of our society. As Pluto moves to oppose its original discovery point, so much of that which has been hidden has been exposed and is now surfacing as problems for today’s society to solve. As the modern 8th house ruler, Pluto rules financial and political power, big business, insurance, credit, power brokering, the criminal underworld, long-term health and financial issues, catastrophic experiences, ecology, and the environment. Does any of this sound familiar from today’s headlines? Is nuclear power access a talking point in our world? Are there any dictators exercising their will? Are criminals making headlines such as the Somali Pirates, the Mexican drug lords, the out of control USA gangs, the Israeli spy and assassination network in Dubai, or the Yemen, Afghan and Pakistan terrorist training camps? Additionally, we are touting an oxymoron: “clean coal”, the product of an underground mine, along with developing gas and oil reserves and nuclear power plants, and to say nothing of Iran and North Korea’s nuclear threats.
I hope I have illustrated how easy it can be to translate a basic astrological principle to a specific mundane or political application. The same is true of applying any other astrological principle to a different application. The change is not to the basic principle itself. It is a change to the choice of descriptive words only. We live in a complex world, but there are underlying themes that provide structure and coherence. If I were to do an overview of Grand Central Station in New York City, it would look random and chaotic. But there is rhyme and rhythm, a purpose and a pattern beneath what appears to be chaos that can reveal itself through observation. I invite you to look into the world of mundane astrology.
Published on EZine online March 2010, republished with slight editing.
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