by Marilyn Muir, LPMAFA
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The bulk of humanity, probably more than 99% is considered “asleep at the wheel”. They are not aware that anything exists other than the physical reality they collectively experience. Think of them as a sea of humanity, a virtual primordial soup of untapped human potential. But that potential is asleep in matter, unaware of their enormous collective potential, especially their own, so it is essentially unrealized at this moment in time. From time to tim,e a slight stir ripples through that potential, disturbing those who are deep asleep in matter. A rudimentary thought or “tickle” creeps into that sleeping awareness and it is fully asleep no longer. It knows… and over time it begins to know that it knows… disturbing, perhaps not satisfying, perhaps not fully understood, but no longer totally unconscious. Another slight stir, and more humans start to awaken. Those who have been disturbed previously, one, two or more times, spin new thoughts, accept their status quo less, get curious and look for answers, slowly awakening to possibility.
There has been a popular myth that stirred me into action at the beginning of my studies forty years ago. Although it is now considered a myth, it served the purpose of helping me to awaken to my own possibilities. The myth? That we only use 10% of the capacity of our brain and that geniuses like Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking used or use only 12 to 15% of their brains. I wanted to know what was in my own head that I was not using to my best benefit. I did not want anyone outside of me to tell me whether I could or could not explore that personal use of a very intimate part of my anatomy. I chose to explore my own potential and did not need anyone else’s permission to do so. New scientific information pronounces the brain percentage data as a myth because experiments on the brain now cross into areas never before studied or understood. The new opinion emphasizes that how we use our brain is more important than how much of it we use. Research has shown such tremendous differences in brain formation and development and we are still on a journey of discovery. Using our brain such as we understand at this moment is paramount to our spiritual growth. As we learn more, the potential for more growth unfolds.
If you are continuing to read this article and have not decided I am totally whacko, you yourself are in the process of awakening, no longer asleep to possibility, curious, seeking answers, exhibiting a lack of comfort in the status quo. You want more of yourself, more of your own capabilities, more of your own potential to express. Each ripple in the unconscious reveals itself in questions, inspiration and ideas, stirring you to greater consciousness, greater grasp of yourself and greater use of your potential. You and I are awakening to a greater degree, perhaps more rapidly, seeing more, wanting more. I do not consider myself fully awakened but I sure am far more awake than I was forty years ago when I was rippled or tickled out of my unconscious, deep sleep state. This is very exciting. You are on a path of discovery of yourself. Your awareness is expanding, your potential is developing, you are becoming more of what you can be as you reach for all you can be. You are awakening to the fullness of your spiritual self.
Published on EZine online February, 2010, republished with slight editing.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.