The Failed Trump Assassination Attempt, Part II

by Marilyn Muir, LPMAFA

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Because the article was so long and I have more charts to cover, it seemed advisable to make this a two-part article.  Part I covered the noonmark natal for the shooter, Thomas Crooks, the natal for the intended victim, ex-President Donald Trump, the natal for the US Declaration of Independence Virgo rising chart, and the event chart (shooting itself), plus the progressions for Crooks, Trump and the D of I charts. Now I need to complete the picture for each – the transits for that day as they affected their personal natals. Note that the referenced natals and progressions were given in part I and will not be reprinted in part II because we have six more charts to examine.

I have intentionally been saving the diurnals for last. Know that any chart set for a particular moment in time may be a natal, a progression, a diurnal, an event, depending upon the use or application(s) for that chart. Diurnals are transit charts as related to a specific natal chart. Events are specific locational maps of that moment’s transits. As we all know, transits also can act as activators to prior charts. As we look at the diurnals for Crooks, Trump and the D of I, each will closely resemble the Event chart. The differences in time and location from diurnal to diurnal will largely affect the angles, the Moon and the house layouts. The balance of the diurnal positions should be reasonably similar and accurate. Why? Rate of natural travel. The Midheaven travels 1˚ of forward motion with each 4 passing minutes of time. The Ascendant travel is determined by latitude of birth, ranging from ¾ of a degree to almost 2 degrees in that same 4 minutes, averaging a degree. Accuracy of birth time and place (Longitude and Latitude) controls the timing of activations. The Moon travels between 12 and 15 degrees per day, quite a range for timing of events.

It is 6:00 AM on Saturday, July 27th, and the news sources are reporting: “FBI says Trump was indeed struck by bullet on July 13.” U.S. News. “Trump’s former doctor gives health update, calls out Wray as FBI affirms bullet struck former president”. Fox News (Wonder if this is the same doctor who was not able to give out Trump’s medical details in an earlier news report?)  Other headlines indicate evidence is still being examined, so some of it is still undetermined. So many points of view and so many bias-driven headlines. It’s hard to know where to place your trust. To do accurate chart work, we must constantly be on the lookout for such bias because we do have to trust the charts.

We will be using the event chart as final arbiter, if we need one, because it is accurately timed and should be trustworthy, so it is provided again here to make it easier to follow the dialogue.

Angular placements are usually key in a diurnal chart. We know the time for this event chart should be accurate because it was telecast live. The closest angular placement is the South Node on the Midheaven 5:31 Libra, with the North Node on the IC, 5:31 Aries, very wide in my opinion (5˚), but also very karmic (Nodes) in nature. Note that Neptune (29:54 Pisces retrograde is also very close to that IC, lending its confusion to the picture we are attempting to develop. The IC passed over Neptune about twenty minutes earlier. It seems perhaps many clues of the impending tragedy were missed or there was clouded judgement at the base of operations in that location.

That transiting Venus / Pluto opposition we noted in Part 1 is across the 2nd / 8th house axis, with the 8th being the house of death or catastrophe. While it was not specifically Trump’s death (the intent), it was definitely catastrophic, with the deaths of the shooter and of a devoted Father and husband who shielded his family but lost his own life. Plus, two other members of the attending crowd were critically injured and hospitalized, one of whom was just released. The other is a 72-year-old man, still recovering in the hospital as this is written.

The signature violent transiting Mars / Uranus conjunction we have been following straddles the 6th house cusp of illness or dis-ease, which could equate to wounding. It might also be quite psychological in nature as it is part of the 6th / 12th (the health / psychological) chart axis. That remains an outstanding question at this moment.

The moment of the attack gives 15:13 Sagittarius as the Ascendant. Astrologically, I would see the Ascendant as the target, Trump’s personal point in this event chart, with usually benefic Jupiter as ruler, not in malefic aspect. I would see the Descendant as the opposite point, the attacker, with ruler Mercury in the 8th house of death and catastrophe, widely square the Mars / Uranus conjunction as determinative for the attacker and his tragic death. To be more specific for each, I would turn to the personal diurnals.

Trump was the intended victim. The much milder grazing of Trump’s upper right ear was obviously preferable to outright death. We cannot underestimate the importance of an attempted assassination, but can be glad the intent was not fulfilled. The heroic loss of a husband and parent was tragic. The loss of a twenty-year-old man, at the very beginning of his adulthood, is also tragic. Do we see death in the Trump diurnal?

I would first look to the diurnal angles, all of which are 22 to 23 Mutable, with two planets close to the 7th cusp of 23:24 Pisces, Saturn 19:16 retrograde in the 6th house, and Neptune 29:54 retrograde in the 7th house. Since this is a Trump diurnal, I would again look to the Ascendant for Trump and the 7th house for his assailant / intended killer, Crooks. Go to the Trump natal and see what is activated by the diurnal moment. There is one piece of this puzzle. Natal Sun 22:56 Gemini opposed natal Full Moon 21:12 Sagittarius, with the Nodes tightly conjunct Sun / North Node and Moon / South Node. Close by is natal Uranus 17:54 Gemini. The numbers are tight. This was apparently quite karmic in nature (Nodes).

Anything else? Because we have covered some of this in part 1, I will only point out the malefic Mars / Uranus conjunction at the base of this attempt that sits on Trump’s natal Midheaven (worldly achievement and position), squaring his natal Ascendant / Mars conjunction (physical body / aggressive presentation).

The country: In the US Declaration of Independence diurnal, the four angles are all 17-19 mutable, conjoining diurnal Saturn at 19:16 Pisces retrograde on the 7th cusp. Two people died that day, and each death as important as any other. The appalling and very public catastrophe was seen and felt world-wide. Jupiter was about 6 degrees separating from this diurnal Midheaven / I.C., unable to contribute the good we have come to expect from its beneficence. Too little, too late. Yes, it could have been worse – but two lives were lost that mattered to their people, and two lives were rescued from a worse tragedy. There is so much political fallout that many lives were ultimately affected. Look again at the diurnal Jupiter 10:52 Gemini, and the natal Uranus / Midheaven conjunction at 8:52-54 Gemini. The highest point in the D of I Virgo rising chart can represent the presidency office, including ex-presidents. The square to the D of I Ascendant 11:46 Virgo gave our country a black eye to the rest of this world.

The Perpetrator: In the noonmark Crooks diurnal, most of the numbers are the same or close to the event chart. Since we do not know Crooks’ time of birth, the Midheaven and Ascendant are not trustworthy and cannot provide us with accurate houses, plus the Moon, with its average travel of 1˚ every 2 hours on the clock, is also not trustworthy. We can look, but we must remember that it is questionable at best. When I am usually examining timed diurnals, I look for activations involving the angles, usually conjunct a natal, progressed, or diurnal planet. There is nothing showing that I can trust. But his natal Nodal axis is about 3 degrees from the event Mars / Uranus conjunction. Karma at work again?

By progression of the noonmark natal, diurnal Neptune 29:54 Pisces retrograde is opposed progressed Midheaven 29:37 Virgo. We can’t trust this Midheaven to be accurate… but… perhaps that might explain why the authorities have had such a difficult time sifting through the evidence they do have. He was not involved politically in any detrimental way. His phone and other records have been difficult to access and define. He had created three bombs with timers, set two in his car and one in his home. The fact that one explosive device was in his home was mind-boggling to me. I cannot determine if he lived with his parents. I have a vague memory of reading that he was still at home and that his Father’s legal guns, including the AR-15 he used for the attempted assassination, were accessible to him. He belonged to a local gun club. Crooks had been doing ordinary things like arranging his upcoming college choices, and he had not set the detonation devices when he was killed by counter-sniper fire (one shot) on that roof.

Mental health issues have been raised. His natal Mars / Uranus conjunction was tight but out of sign, with Mars retrograde. In his progressions, Mars was now direct and leading the energy. Could this be the change from a difficult childhood (bullied) to an intentional killer who thought ahead to rig his car and home with explosives to detonate after his intended assassination attempt? Still so many unanswered questions.

Tri wheels: This many charts can make it difficult to keep track. Usually, I create a color-coded spreadsheet so I only have to do complicated aspecting once. I have been winging this one, building the story chart by chart, so I did not create the spreadsheet. What I would like to instead show you is the tri-wheel format, which helps you see one person’s layout at a time using natal, progressed and diurnal. You can choose which base chart for the center and the overall house cusps, and the other two rings contain the other two charts. While I have the charts up, I usually look to see which arrangement gives me the most conclusive material and print that one.  Different events may require particular layouts. For these charts:

  • Trump tri-wheel: natal inside wheel and overall house cusps, wheel #2 progressed, outside wheel diurnal (remember that he was an intended victim)
  • Crooks tri-wheel (remember this is a noonmark series): diurnal inside wheel and overall house cusps, wheel #2 natal, outside wheel progressions (he was the perpetrator and was instead killed)
  • US D of I tri-wheel: diurnal inside wheel and overall house cusps, wheel #2 progressed, outside wheel natal (remember we were looking at the presidency and the country)

When first looking at diurnals, watch the angles and closely placed bodies among the charts. Tighter aspects are stronger. Hard aspects are usual for stress situations. Applying and separating aspects help with the timing.

Sourcing: See my Diurnals workbook on my website for more detailed instructions.

Diurnal Charting,

Predictive Astrology, Chapter 8 – Diurnal Charting,

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