by Marilyn Muir, LPMAFA
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Where do I begin with the Trump assassination attempt? I could start with the event, a political rally with a multitude of people attending. This was an act of violence that ended violently. It did not take out its intended target: ex-President Donald Trump. In a plot twist, the perpetrator himself was killed instead, as well as one dead and two seriously injured spectators. The news cycle has been full of theories, partly because the young perpetrator’s action hasn’t made sense. Both political sides have cried false news, even perhaps a political ploy, but a very dangerous one at that. How do you keep such a subplot quiet with the number of people who would have to be involved? There have been accusations that the Secret Service was remiss, the Biden Administration or Dems were thought to be behind it, and so forth. That is still going on two weeks later, plus Congress is investigating. I had read earlier that Trump’s doctor was not allowed to release personal info, but Congress insisted on interviewing him. Are we any further ahead? Lots of noise and activity, but the answers are still not solid. And so, we get to watch and wait as it is sorted out. It is typical for tragic events to take a little time to sift through the info and misinformation cycle. Patience is necessary because accuracy is important. The event chart is set for July 13, 2024, 6:11 PM EDT, Meridian, PA.
I could start with either the target’s or the perpetrator’s chart. The Trump natal is currently considered accurate, but was highly questionable for years. Donald Trump was born June 14, 1946, 10:54 AM EDT, Queens, NY.
The perpetrator’s (Thomas Crooks) chart is time unknown, so noonmark is the best we can do at this point. The noonmark Ascendant, Midheaven and Moon are not trustworthy; therefore no accurate house divisions and planet placements are possible in this chart. The balance of the body positions are reasonable for aspecting. Crooks was born September 20, 2003, Pittsburgh, PA, time unknown (noonmark was used), EDT.
I could also start with the U.S. itself as the natal basis. Why? An ex-president of the U.S. was targeted and wounded while in the middle of an election campaign cycle, with the Republican National Convention getting ready to start nearby. The ex-President was slightly wounded and probably scared half to death, but he carried on with his campaign. This is not a run of the mill usual act of violence. It involved the country’s ex-highest office holder. My U.S. birth chart preference is still the Declaration of Independence Virgo rising chart, July 4, 1776, 9:36 AM LMT, Philadelphia, PA.
Where to begin? How about all of the above, using my traditional method for events: natal, progressed, diurnal for each natal, and a tri-wheel for each to show individualized overall pictures. (This may take a couple of articles.) Anything leap off the page? I expect tight, applying, hard aspects for this act of violence. So, for starters, where are Mars, Uranus and Pluto in the event chart (and repeating in all the diurnals)?
Before we take the leap, there is one more item I choose to explain. As I was aspecting these charts I realized there were a multitude of hits to the royal and malefic fixed stars. I did a deeper workup of these possibilities in my recent Navalny articles on my website. (See Nawalny (or Navalny), Alexei Anatolievich Ongoing Study
Navalny Study, Part IV,
Champions of Freedom – Alexei and Yulia Navalny )
Briefly… Planets are what we usually use in our charting, visibly moving bodies when you see them in the heavens. There are far more bodies we can see in our sky and they are called Fixed Stars because they appear to be non-moving compared to the much faster motion of the close-by planets. Some are stars, some are actual galaxies or nebulas. Know that the whole universe is in constant motion. These points of light are considered fixed because their motion at such vast distances is not visible to the naked eye. Certain of those stars were considered “royal” stars by the ancients, and several were considered to have a malefic nature. When I did the Navalny workup I created a “cheat sheet” of those specific positions, which I am providing here as well. Why? Because, as you will see, they are very active in these assassination attempt charts. I do pay attention to FS activations as potential cosmic influencers, almost like destiny activations.
Event Mars 25:09 Taurus is closely conjunct, applying, to Uranus 26:16. Applying means the effect is from now to future; tight means strong. Both are also tightly conjunct malefic Fixed Star Capul Algol 25:57 Taurus (to lose one’s head). This pairing also applies to the three upcoming diurnals.
Event Pluto at 01:05 Aquarius is opposed Venus 02:46 Leo in the event 8th house of death / catastrophe. This aspect is separating, so this may have more to do with the preparation for the assassination attempt.
The Moon rules the 8th house of catastrophe containing the Sun at 21:59 Cancer, which is tightly square that ruling 1st quarter Moon at 21:42 Libra (aspect applying, present to future).
Ex-president Trump’s natal Midheaven 24:18 Taurus is conjunct the event Mars / Uranus and FS Algol. Add to that his natal Mars 26:47 Leo (square FS Algol) and conjunct Trump Ascendant 29:55 Leo (wide). This Ascendant is also conjunct FS Regulus 29:29 Leo and square FS Alcyone (Pleiades) at 29:42 Taurus (something to weep about). Fixed Stars (cosmic activations) are strong in this comparison. Does anything else in the Trump natal chart connect to the royal or malefic FS list? Not that I can see.
How about the Trump progressed positions, does anything new activate in a timely manner? Trump‘s progressed Mercury 24:27 Leo fits right into the natal Mars / Uranus / Algol conjunction.
Next look at Trump’s progressed Ascendant 00:47 Scorpio square the event Venus / Pluto opposition.
News sources reveal that the perpetrator reconnoitered the venue prior to the event, in person, and again by drone about two hours earlier. Perhaps with so many people swarming the venue, he was not identified as a problem. Progressed Sun 7:40 Virgo is coming up on the squares to FS Aldebaran 9:26 Gemini and FS Antares 9:30 Sagittarius; approximately 2 degrees wide should indicate progressed activation in two years. A continuation of this event? Or is this indication of future (two years) activations? There was certainly a lot of fallout from the assassination attempt, with lots of finger pointing from both sides (FS opposition), and continuing with (as close as I could tell) every following newscast.
While we have Trump’s progressed chart in view, look at the separating conjunction of the progressing Midheaven 6:34 Leo to progressed Saturn 3:54 Leo. The Midheaven moves a degree per year by progression, so that is three years in time, past to present. Anyone remember all the January 6th news for the last three years and the multitude of legal battles?
The progressing Moon travels about a degree a month. How about all the activity involving Trump’s recent multiple accusations, trials, and decisions? The Moon has been applying to the square of that Saturn for multiple months and was currently applying to the square of the progressing Midheaven. I don’t know your take on this, but to me this shows a really rough period for this chart (Trump progressions).
I think I am going to wait to talk about the diurnal activations, because the event chart and the diurnals for each natal will be identical EXCEPT for the Ascendants, Midheavens and Moons. And of course, since the perpetrator’s is a noonmark natal, we are limited in understanding his possibilities.
This was an attempt on the life of an ex-President of the U.S. Does the Declaration of Independence for the birth of this country, its progression and diurnal reveal anything meaningful about the event? As mentioned, due to prior research, my chart of choice is Virgo rising. I looked to the 10th house as the most elevated position for the chart: the Presidency. Uranus is tightly (2 minutes) conjunct the Midheaven.
Note that at the time of the D of I chart, Uranus was not visible. Why? Because it hadn’t been discovered as yet. Neither Uranus, Neptune or Pluto had been discovered (revealed), and therefore could not have been included in the charts cast for that era. While our current charting capabilities insert all three into our charting, remember they were not known at that time. While the three planets existed in reality, they were invisible (which equates to unconscious).
Uranus of rebellion and revolution was discovered (became visible, and therefore conscious) on March 13, 1781 during our war with England. This discovery also was close to the fermenting of the 1789 French Revolution, which actually was an ongoing series of events. Plus there was more political unrest in Europe at that time. Rebellion and revolution were literally in the air!
Back to the D of I chart… oh my goodness, there is a very wide Mars / Uranus pairing in the 10th house, close to the cusp which would represent the highest achievement position for the country. Since Mars is the fastest traveling body, that is a separating aspect. The D of I event was in 1776, but what produced the revolution developed over many years. Besides, the D of I natal Midheaven was 2 minutes from that Uranus, applying. That is the head of the pin called a conjunction. The progressing Midheaven moves about a degree a year, while Mars travels about a half degree daily as a direct transit, and that equates to about a half a degree per year for progressions. That Midheaven / Uranus-flavored conjunction took several years to reach the progressing Uranus-flavored Midheaven to complete its conjunction to progressing Mars. The Revolutionary War lasted way past the surrender of Great Britain. Ever heard of the War of 1812? Just because it is supposed to be over doesn’t always mean it’s over!
Let me teach you something about resonance. Many years ago (late 1980s) I encountered a personal chart that was activating their natal Saturn / Uranus conjunction much earlier than would be expected. I finally figured out why.
Do you know what a tuning fork is? Piano tuners use them to accurately set the individual key vibrations to tune a piano. Did you know that if you have a room full of various tuning forks, not touching one another, and you activate one fork, let’s say in the key of C, all of the other C-tuned forks in the room will start vibrating without being physically touched. None of the other tuned keys will begin to vibrate. This note vibration is called resonance. What was happening with my early chart activation was that, as the transiting Saturn / Uranus conjunction developed and tightened, that frequency started to vibrate. Resonance began to activate that particular attunement in existing charts (prior natals), which for me looked way ahead of exact. Have you noticed when timing a chart, sometimes activations are exact, and sometimes there is an orb of effect? Chart-wise, that Saturn / Uranus aspect had started to activate by resonance in natal charts earlier than the numbers themselves indicated. This could also be attributed to the involvement of Uranus which seems to precipitate activity. Right now, we are seeing a Mars / Uranus signature in the Event chart, and that means it is also in all the diurnals for that day. We are seeing an extremely wide conjunction in the D of I natal potentially being activated.
What about the D of I progressed chart? The progressed chart is calculated as a day for a year starting with the birth chart, and we have just celebrated 248 years of existence since the D of I – so in the progressing chart, that equates to 248 days after birth. Uranus was direct for the natal at 8:54 of Gemini. 248 years (day for a year) later, progressed Uranus is 7:13 Gemini and direct, which is earlier than the natal degree. That means Uranus was retrograde for part of that 248 day / year period and is in the process of catching back up to its natal position. Progressed Uranus is earlier than natal Uranus… yes!
The progressing D of I Midheaven moves a degree a year, forward. Because of the latitude of birth, the accompanying Ascendant moves variably from ¾ of a degree to substantially more than a degree for a specific year, with average motion given as one regular degree. The current position is about 5˚10’ from the progressing Ascendant conjunct progressed Uranus (which is also much more slowly moving forward). The yearly Ascendant motion from the Table of Houses is 1˚10’ at that latitude. Allowing for an extremely slow forward motion of Uranus, the progressing Ascendent should reach progressing Uranus in just under five years. If you thought there was turmoil now, give it a little time. The revolutionary planet Uranus is still stirring the pot.
Uranus / Midheaven natally was an international revolutionary aspect (it spanned the Atlantic Ocean). Ascendant / Uranus could be a more individualized revolutionary aspect. Think about the political divide within our country. Four to five years to exactitude would be another election / inauguration cycle. When I wrote Presidents of Hope and Change in 2009, this was part of what I had concerns about. I could see this turmoil brewing. Note that It has been far worse than I could have ever imagined! The turmoil is still happening and is not going away any time soon.
Add everything I have just explained to the transiting Mars / Uranus of this attempted assassination event and diurnal charts. The current date was July 13, 2024.
Remember the event Venus / Pluto opposition at the beginning of this article? Is there any involvement with the other charts? I didn’t see anything connecting this aspect to the Trump natal chart. The Progressed Trump Ascendant is 00:47 Scorpio square Trump progressed Saturn 3:34 Leo. Add a couple more degrees of possibility and you can include Trump progressed Moon 5 Scorpio moving a degree a month (average progressing motion) squaring Trump’s progressed Midheaven. Speculated event? How about President Biden throwing down the political race gauntlet and Vice President Kamala Harris picking it up? The progressing Moon had already triggered the progressing Ascendant, and progressed Saturn could also be showing to the boatload of legal gymnastics ex-President Trump has been involved in recently. We have specifically involved the D of I Midheaven natal and progressed, emblematic of the position of our head of state.
Because Crooks’ chart is noonmark, the Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven are seriously questionable, but I choose to note them here with an abundance of caution. I did not see the Venus / Pluto opposition activating the Crooks natal chart, but the Crooks progressions show Venus 2:06 Scorpio opposed the questionable progressed noonmark Moon 00:43 Tau, both squaring the event Venus / Pluto opposition, a fixed grand square.
Crooks’ progressed Lunar S Node 20:40 Scorpio retrograde is closely conjunct FS Serpentis 19 Scorpio. (Remember the Nodes mostly travel retrograde, so this is overall applying.)
Crooks’ progressed Jupiter 9:24 Virgo square progressed Ascendant 10:59 Sagittarius, to FS Antares 9:30 Sagittarius and opposed FS Aldebaran 9:26 Gemini.
Crooks’ progressed Midheaven 29:37 Virgo square FS Betelgeuse 29:23 Gemini.
Crooks progressed Uranus 29:13 Aquarius retrograde, separating conjunction to Mars 1:26 Pisces, square Alcyone 29:42 Taurus and conjunct Fomalhaut 3:25 Pisces. That is a boatload of FS hits to Crooks progressed chart!
What else? How about US D of I Virgo rising progressions? That looks like a progressed New Moon to me: 19:14-25 Pisces, new start implication.
I have been saving the diurnals for last. Know that any chart set for a particular moment in time may be a natal, a progression, a diurnal, or an event, depending on the use or application for the chart. Diurnals are transit charts related to a specific natal chart. Events are specific locational maps of that moment’s transits. As we all know, transits also act as activators to prior charts. As we look at the diurnals for Trump and the D of I charts, they will closely resemble the Event chart. The differences in time and location from diurnal to diurnal will largely affect the angles and the Moon. The balance of the diurnal positions should be reasonably accurate.
Because this article is so long and I have more charts, I think moving to a separate chapter is advisable.
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